Compliance Solutions

TPRM Summit 2023

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June 27 - 28, 2023 | Atlanta, ga, Usa

Third-Party Risk Management & Oversight Summit

The Third-Party Risk Management & Oversight Summit is a leading conference for compliance and procurement professionals to share knowledge and learn best practices to navigate the mordern risk landscape, receive benchmarking information to ensure alignment, and obtain the expertise needed to implement and foster compliant third-party relationships.

Management and executive-level professionals will be discussing crucial topics, such as the Department of Justice’s increased focus on sanctions, implementing a risk-based approach to due diligence, and integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into your third-party risk management (TPRM) program.

Compliance Solutions’ Head of Sales Tim Johannessen will give a presentation on “Tools & Technology Spotlight” where he will present Compliance Solutions’ offerings in a quick-pitch situation, highlighting the latest and greatest tech tools for your organization.

You are also welcome to visit us at our booth, we are looking forward to an exciting exchange with you.

More information on the Third-Party Risk Management & Oversight Summit, registration, agenda and speakers: